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Papa was discharged 2weeks later leaving him with bandages on both his ankles and knees having severed his limbs in the accident with little patches here and there on his face and hands.
The doctor have given us a ton of medicines for papa’s daily use and will be coming from time to time to check on his progress.
Getting home i helped papa into a chair. papa look more feeble now, his skin looked somewhat darker and his face seemed like it was getting older.

Their is nothing i hate more than seeing my papa this way. Jessy on her own part nearly died the day of the accident. * * *
“Sky what did you say happened to papa” she shrieked immediately i dropped the call.
Her eyes glowed with tearful sparkle, Her hands dropped stiff betraying the frightening horror that surged within.
Chioma’s mouth fell agape her gazes focusing towards me and Jessy at interval.
“What did you say happened”? Amanda questioned like she didn’t hear me the first time, her face wearing a look of uncertainty.
“The number that just called now said papa was involved in a motor accident” the words was saying me more than i was saying it. cold tears already formed at the back of my head.
Jessy’s shrieking scream startled everyone in the room as she came crashing down with a loud thud breaking into a resounding loud cry with the words
“my papa is dead” Flying out of her mouth.
Which sent a piercing scare into me.
We rushed down to the scene of the accident met only with the view of what could be called Papa’s car. The black chases of black toyota avalon were reduced to a crumbled piece of metal.
The white hilux it crashed into was also in a bad shape. Wonder how anyone could possibly survive that.
Amanda was the first to break down in tears as we were shown a visual of papa through a transparent glass window demarcating the emergency casualty unit.
All we could make out was a team of doctors surrounded by a stream nurses as they worked and tried to revive two unconscious bodies covered in blood and wounds.
Nurses running aimlessly around in their annoying habit, some would come out of the unit and zoom past us paying deaf ears to our desperate questions we riddled her with, only to zoom back again with nothing tangible in hand. *keep wondering what she went to bring*
Identifying papa was almost impossible from the two unconscious figures being worked on, their faces being covered in blood and bruises.
Jessy already rushed into the changing room, jumped into a light green theater coat and other kits gaining access into the casualty room with her Identity card.
Watched as Jessy joined the doctors on their work, turning back every now and then to cast a gloomy look at me through the glass.
If ever their was a time i was proudest of Jessy being a doctor, it was today.
And am sure papa will be too, this was the kind of situation you’d be thankful you have a doctor in the family.
* * *
“Am still wondering how a brake my mechanic fixed, failed one week after” Papa addressed me raising an eye brow as i guided him to a cushion in the sitting room on getting home after his discharge.
“Papa these things happen, besides your driver is on leave” I countered, “just be thankful you survived”.
“Am sure what am saying Nnam, that brake was in perfect shape, something must have tampered with it” Papa aired out wincing while he raised himself a bit to seat up.
“Eheee Nnam, this accident made me think about many things, one of them being that i have not seen your child so am not supposed to die now” Papa blurted out with a funny but yet serious face.
“Haaa papa, you should concentrate on getting better, my marriage is not relevant now” I chuckled out trying to discard the topic and my surprise.
“Nnam i know what am saying, you are my only son and i need to see your grand children soon” it wasn’t so surprising he insisted being a very strong willed man as i can recall.
Amanda walked pass the sitting room clutching papa’s hospital provisions in a black polythene, she had been just right on the door when papa raised the topic of my marriage.
Throwing a slight wink at me with a smile that pushed her lips to the right side of her mouth, she swayed pass us disappearing up stairs.
“Ok papa i will look into it” I said partly to close the topic but part of me was serious about it.
But deep within me, Papa’s suspicion that someone might have tampered the brakes haunted me.
...To be Continued...

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