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Pastor Devon Franklin’s wife, Hollywood actress, Meagan Good has been making critics angry these last couple of months with her risque fashion choices.

Her husband is a Seventh Day Adventist pastor (whose day job is a Sony Pictures Exec), which have made critics to ask her to tune down her high end taste in clothes.
But in a recent interview with popular media outlet Rolling Stone, Meagan has said she will never cover up to conform to other peoples standards of what she should look like.

She told RS: I really don't think there's anything wrong with being sexy. God created our bodies as women.

He created us to be beautiful, to be sexy, to be powerful, to be fearless — to be amazing. I do respect and understand the fact that when you come into the sanctuary, you need to be dressed appropriately because you are not the star — Jesus is the star.

That I agree with 100 percent. But I feel like religion can get very judgmental and a lot of people don't approach you with love. I try to be conscious of the responsibility I have as a Christian, but if I did everything everyone told me to do or tried to please everyone, I couldn't have my hair a particular way, I couldn't wear certain clothes, I couldn't play certain characters, I can't hang out with certain people, can't wear a certain amount of makeup — and you can't let people run your life.

You have to look to God. People will fall in line.

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