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GOOD NEWS: PayPal Now in Nigeria: The Limitations and Things You Should Know recently published an article asking anyone
who cared to listen to please sign a petition to bring
PayPal to Nigeria and thankfully, the service went live for
Nigerians today! Nigerians can now legally have a PayPal
account and that's good news. It's unclear if PayPal
already had it in its plans to bring the service to Nigeria
even before we started signing the petition or not, but to
CreativityKills (who took the initiative) and everyone who
signed the petition, it's like a dream come true.
Along with Nigeria, PayPal has also extended its service
to 9 other countries. This includes 3 other African nations
— Cameroon, Ivory Coast, and Zimbabwe and five
European markets — Belarus, Macedonia, Moldova,
Monaco and Montenegro, and also Paraguay.
Users in these countries can now use PayPal just like in
other countries worldwide but there are certain
limitations in place for now.
The Limitations
PayPal accounts holders in the newly enlisted countries
can only send money for now. This means they can
check out on merchant websites using PayPal and pay
securely using their credit or debit cards without
exposing their financial details. As PayPal claims, this is
free for users and any charge would be covered by the
At the moment, it's impossible to send money directly to
other PayPal users and of course, you can't receive
payments directly with your PayPal account. Perhaps
PayPal is trying to play safe and see how it goes before
allowing users in these countries full access to their
services but that is yet to be seen.

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