7 Ways To Make A Woman Proud Of Your Relationship
1. Plan Your Meals Together And Split Up The Work
Cooking at home is one of the simple joys of a relationship. It also saves money and is healthier than eating out. Take meal preparation to the next level by sharing the work as a couple. Planning your meals is a big upgrade to your quality of life. Deciding at the start of the week what you'll be eating for the next few nights makes shopping and meal-planning a breeze. After that, divvy up the work — one of you can do the shopping while the other handles the cooking. If you're both game, you can swap roles the next week.
2. Use Your Holidays To Make New Memories
Holiday time is often a period of deep relaxation while spending time with loved ones. But you can benefit yourself and your relationship by having a plan to get the most out of your holidays. Rather than spending the time deciding what to do, have a plan for the holiday together. Even better, come up with — or look up online — some fun holiday traditions you can introduce. No matter how small or silly an idea may seem, once it's happened two or three times in a row, it will become a tradition and something you look forward to each year.
3. Make Plans
Planning is at the core of all self-improvement. Most self-improvement is, after all, planning — deciding on a plan to get yourself from where you are to where you want to be. Learning the skill of planning and making planning a part of your life is key to improving oneself: moving out of the passive, reactive state, and making decisions about your future and how to get yourself there. So, start planning. Plan your weekend, plan for next year, plan for the future, plan for your life. And bring your partner in at every step you can. The more you work out ideas for what's next for both of you, the better you spend the most precious resource you have as a couple: time.
4. Self-Disclose At A Steady Rate
Never sharing is a flaw some guys are prone to and it can kill the potential intimacy of a serious relationship. The "strong silent type" is good as far as it goes, but it's going to kill the attraction if you never share anything. But, taking it to the opposite extreme and over sharing is equally bad. These are the guys who are desperate for somebody, anybody to take an interest in them or their past. You've been on the receiving end of this before, so you know it can get awkward in a hurry. Aim for the middle ground, men. Work on doling out personal information at a steady rate. This builds intimacy without chasing the other person off or making them uncomfortable.
4. Ask For What You Need And Want
Getting your needs met in a relationship is often a matter of asking for what's important to you. If you find yourself getting frustrated by the lack of something in the relationship, take a moment to think if you've ever told your partner it's important. If not, do it now. A little assertiveness is never a bad thing, and a quality partner is going to want to meet your needs in a way that works for everyone. If you've ever wished your significant other came with an instruction manual, odds are she feels the same way. Open up about what matters.
5. Make Lists Of Mutual Goals
Having goals is important, but just having them isn't enough. Successful people will tell you there's something special about writing your goals down on paper. Having a list somewhere of what you're striving for is a powerful reminder as you go about your day. That driving energy can make a big difference in what you accomplish and your partner will feel the difference in you. Think about it: Would you want to be with somebody without any direction or drive, or do you want a partner who's trying to improve themselves and their circumstances?
6. Be Kind Rather Than Right
This is a classic bit of advice that still holds true today. There are plenty of times that we are so committed to showing others how "right" we are that we trample their feelings in the process. Even if you "win" disagreements with your significant other, you've usually still lost. As tempting as it can be to try to prove our point and how strongly we feel about it, a lot of the time it's better to just let things pass. It's important to be right when you can, but insisting on proving it to others at the expense of acting like a jerk is not good for the relationship.
7. Exercise Together
The benefits of exercise are endless — that's one of the reasons we talk about it so often. Besides being great for your health, exercise means having more energy, better sleep and, of course, better looks. But more than all that, exercise gets you out of the house and has you working toward a goal, all of which will pay big dividends in your relationship. Those benefits are only compounded when you work out with your partner. It's quality time together and it also means you have a workout partner to keep you honest on the days you don't feel like exercising. It reduces stress, too, so you're blowing off steam at the gym instead of at home. Melt away the stresses of daily life and you'll have a more peaceful home life to enjoy.
Cooking at home is one of the simple joys of a relationship. It also saves money and is healthier than eating out. Take meal preparation to the next level by sharing the work as a couple. Planning your meals is a big upgrade to your quality of life. Deciding at the start of the week what you'll be eating for the next few nights makes shopping and meal-planning a breeze. After that, divvy up the work — one of you can do the shopping while the other handles the cooking. If you're both game, you can swap roles the next week.
2. Use Your Holidays To Make New Memories
Holiday time is often a period of deep relaxation while spending time with loved ones. But you can benefit yourself and your relationship by having a plan to get the most out of your holidays. Rather than spending the time deciding what to do, have a plan for the holiday together. Even better, come up with — or look up online — some fun holiday traditions you can introduce. No matter how small or silly an idea may seem, once it's happened two or three times in a row, it will become a tradition and something you look forward to each year.
3. Make Plans
Planning is at the core of all self-improvement. Most self-improvement is, after all, planning — deciding on a plan to get yourself from where you are to where you want to be. Learning the skill of planning and making planning a part of your life is key to improving oneself: moving out of the passive, reactive state, and making decisions about your future and how to get yourself there. So, start planning. Plan your weekend, plan for next year, plan for the future, plan for your life. And bring your partner in at every step you can. The more you work out ideas for what's next for both of you, the better you spend the most precious resource you have as a couple: time.
4. Self-Disclose At A Steady Rate
Never sharing is a flaw some guys are prone to and it can kill the potential intimacy of a serious relationship. The "strong silent type" is good as far as it goes, but it's going to kill the attraction if you never share anything. But, taking it to the opposite extreme and over sharing is equally bad. These are the guys who are desperate for somebody, anybody to take an interest in them or their past. You've been on the receiving end of this before, so you know it can get awkward in a hurry. Aim for the middle ground, men. Work on doling out personal information at a steady rate. This builds intimacy without chasing the other person off or making them uncomfortable.
4. Ask For What You Need And Want
Getting your needs met in a relationship is often a matter of asking for what's important to you. If you find yourself getting frustrated by the lack of something in the relationship, take a moment to think if you've ever told your partner it's important. If not, do it now. A little assertiveness is never a bad thing, and a quality partner is going to want to meet your needs in a way that works for everyone. If you've ever wished your significant other came with an instruction manual, odds are she feels the same way. Open up about what matters.
5. Make Lists Of Mutual Goals
Having goals is important, but just having them isn't enough. Successful people will tell you there's something special about writing your goals down on paper. Having a list somewhere of what you're striving for is a powerful reminder as you go about your day. That driving energy can make a big difference in what you accomplish and your partner will feel the difference in you. Think about it: Would you want to be with somebody without any direction or drive, or do you want a partner who's trying to improve themselves and their circumstances?
6. Be Kind Rather Than Right
This is a classic bit of advice that still holds true today. There are plenty of times that we are so committed to showing others how "right" we are that we trample their feelings in the process. Even if you "win" disagreements with your significant other, you've usually still lost. As tempting as it can be to try to prove our point and how strongly we feel about it, a lot of the time it's better to just let things pass. It's important to be right when you can, but insisting on proving it to others at the expense of acting like a jerk is not good for the relationship.
7. Exercise Together
The benefits of exercise are endless — that's one of the reasons we talk about it so often. Besides being great for your health, exercise means having more energy, better sleep and, of course, better looks. But more than all that, exercise gets you out of the house and has you working toward a goal, all of which will pay big dividends in your relationship. Those benefits are only compounded when you work out with your partner. It's quality time together and it also means you have a workout partner to keep you honest on the days you don't feel like exercising. It reduces stress, too, so you're blowing off steam at the gym instead of at home. Melt away the stresses of daily life and you'll have a more peaceful home life to enjoy.
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